This is an archive of the old Web site for the proposed Holistic Community Health Clinic.
Demian designed and maintained this Web site — including editing text and
retouching images — from 2012 until the campaign was put on hold in 2015.
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Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
Eating Naturally on a Tight Budget

Eating Naturally on a Tight Budget
by John Ruhland, ND

Here are some of the best ways to afford healthy, natural and organic foods, without getting a second or third job.

Buy in Bulk

Stores with bulk foods are one of the biggest blessings. These stores are not limited to natural food stores and co-ops; various local supermarket chains now also sell natural and organic bulk items.

In many bulk sections, there is a large variety of flours, an array of whole grain rice, pastas, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, snacks, and oils.

Not only are prices usually much cheaper than buying the same item in smaller packages, you can buy just how much you need for one week. If you buy from a frequently replenished bulk supply, your food will also be fresher.

Local Farmers

Another gift to families on a budget are local farmers’ markets. Buying from local farmers will not only save you money, but also will be fresher.

Many farmers at local markets opt not to use chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers on their crops. If they display the signs indicating that their crops are certified organic, the have spent time and money to insure the perpetuity of their land, as well as of your health.

When local farms use less fuel for transport, there are environmental savings as well as providing fresher produce.

Further savings possibilities may be gained by comparing prices among farmers at the market. If you arrive toward the end of the market day, ask vendors about any further price reductions as farmers prefer not to have leftover products at day’s end.


Picking your own fruits and veggies saves money. It is also great fun for youngsters.

Make Homemade Items

Organic salad dressings can cost as little as 50 cents per pint, compared with about $6 for organic store-bought dressings. Dressings usually require whisking or shaking three or four ingredients together. Instead of buying organic pancake or waffle mix, find a recipe you like, buy the ingredients in bulk, and mix all the dry ingredients for a double batch. Place in an airtight container with directions for mixing labeled on it. Store all flours in the refrigerator or in a very cool place.

One of the most expensive investments families make each week is on cereals. A family of five can go through a lot of cereal, especially packaged boxes.

While making homemade cereal does take a little more time, buying ingredients in bulk and making a large weekly batch can cut your breakfast bill in half.

Most granola recipes mainly consist of using rolled oats, sweetener (honey, maple), oil and dried fruit and/or nuts. After mixing ingredients, place on an oiled cookie sheet and bake for about half an hour at 375 degrees.

Consider Cutting Back on Meat

For 2004, the USDA reported that the average American consumed 216 pounds of meat, poultry, and fish. This is 23 pounds per person more than in 1990 and 78 pounds more than in 1950! That adds up to a lot of money, especially when you’re buying organic meat.

There are many meals that people find just as good without meat, such as pastas, eggs, and soups. Sometimes, a side dish could be made into the main dish. For example, baked potatoes topped with a number of ingredients and complemented with a salad make a wonderful meatless meal.

For Mexican dishes, consider using pinto or black beans, or both, to replace meat. Organic, dried beans cost be found for less that a dollar per pound. A pound of all-natural ground beef starts at around four dollars, with organic prices starting even higher.

If bean substitutes are used a couple of times a week, your grocery bill will diminish drastically.

Eliminate Snack Foods

The trouble with snack foods is that they often have little food value. The term “empty calories” is used to describe those items which put on weight because they have little or no nutritional content.

Even organic snacks can be unhealthy. Just as with conventional foods, chips, candy, chocolates, fruit bars, fruit wraps, and cookies are O.K. on occasion, but can rack up the grocery bill, as well as your sugar and fat intake.

Find the willpower to reduce these purchases and replace them with healthy alternatives that are cheaper and acceptable as daily snacks, such as organic peeled mini carrots, grapes, applesauce, and homemade air-popped popcorn.

Adapted from an article by Sara Jo Poff.
October 26, 2012

Contact John F. Ruhland, ND, The Natural Health Medical Clinic, LLC; 206-723-4891
On Beacon Hill, just south of downtown Seattle
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Web programmer: Demian