
Videography • Photography • Writing • Directing
Demian’s Sweet Corn Productions is devoted to highly entertaining presentations that affirm self-esteem and social equality.

Summer Camp Reminiscence
Tall Timber Tales - Summer camp run by Uncle Mel, assisted by his wife, Sylvia, in the Tall Timber bungalow colony, Mohegan Lake. (1961-73) Photos and campers stories.

Radiation Diaries
Radiation Diaries - consists of short movie segments which describes the severe health problems individuals experience, when exposed to “Smart” Meters, and other Electromagnetic (EMF) sources.

All Families Deserve Equal Treatment
Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples Archive Web site. Contains more than 450 essays, surveys, legal articles and resources on legal marriage, ceremonies, domestic partner benefits, relationship tips, parenting, and immigration. (1986-2022)

Sharing Culture Through Theater
The Purple Circuit Archive Web site. LGBT and feminist theater resource, providing news of openings, articles, contacts, contests, and jobs. (2000-2022)
